Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Well... I didn't buy yarn...

I went to French Creek Fiber Arts again today... But I didn't buy yarn. What did I buy? Hmmm...

A drop spindle! I am going to learn how to spin yarn! ^_^ I am pretty excited. I have wanted to learn how to spin for a while, now, but I just don't have the money (or room) to buy a big wheel. I thought a drop spindle would be a good place to start. I will let you know how it works out!


Kathleen Colligan said...

good luck with learning how to spin with the drop spindle! I saw several ladies waiting in line at Maryland Sheep and Wool using them while waiting... very portable!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with spinning, I know I sure did enjoy it! Haha. At the moment, currently waiting for my order of new roving to arrive so I can spin!

Anonymous said...

Very cool!! I love my wheel, but my kids gave me a drop spindle so I can learn how to spin that way, too. Can't wait to see your yarns!
